Using Edge Control Products – Tips to Keep in Mind

Edge control products are making waves in the beauty industry. They are on their way to becoming a top seller. Edge control products were once regarded as one of several hair products, however, now they make for a significant portion of sales as they are loved so much by the consumers.

Here are 4 tips from the Edge Boosters to keep your hairstyle looking fresher longer by strengthening the effectiveness your edge control –

  • Spraying some water on your edges will make your edge control or hideout pomade stick provide better hold to your hair. The extra moisture will also help make your hair look neater since wet hair tends to be less frizzy than dry.
  • It is important not to use too much water on the edges of your hair (just dampen them a bit), as that will turn the edge control white and give an unpleasantly cakey appearance once settled on the hair.
  • For a stronger hold – dab a little hair gel with maximum hold on top of a thin layer of edge control. Remember to steer away from hair gels which stiffen your hair or cause flaking.
  • After brushing in the edge control booster, blow dry your hair rapidly with cool air. In case your hair quickly returns to curls after application of the product, this method is the best option. Blow drying the edges will help the edge control dry quickly while also keeping and sealing your hair in place.
  • What’s one of the most essential aspects of your hair care routine? It’s moisturizing the hair! And this step is equally critical during application of edge control products. Why? Because these formulas work better on hydrated hair, rather than the dry ones.

Try using a hair cream or dampen the hair as explained above in the first pointer. It might actually work in your favor.

Hopefully, you enjoyed and found our advice useful. Now it’s your turn to go out and slaughter those edges.

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